The difference between aluminum plate 5052 H32 and H34

2024-05-29 16:50:51
aluminum plate 5052 H32 and H34

5052 aluminum plate is a widely used anti-rust aluminum plate. It has high strength, good plasticity, good weldability and high corrosion resistance. It is used to manufacture sheet metal parts, instruments, street lamp brackets and rivets, hardware products, and electrical appliance casings for transportation vehicles and ships. Preferred materials. 

5052 aluminum plate has many different states. 5052 H32 state and H34 state are two different work-hardening states of 5052 aluminum alloy. They have the same chemical properties, excellent corrosion resistance and good weldability, but different reactions. The fire state leads to some significant differences in mechanical properties, formability and application areas between the two.

Difference between aluminum plate 5052 H32 and H34

  • Tempering and hardness

5052 H32 means that the aluminum plate has been work-hardened and then partially annealed to reach 1/4 hardness.

5052 H34 means that the aluminum plate has been work-hardened and then partially annealed to reach 1/2 hardness.

  • Mechanical properties

Tensile strength: The tensile strength of 5052 H34 is higher than that of 5052 H32.

Yield Strength: 5052 H34 generally exhibits higher yield strengths than 5052 H32.

Elongation: The elongation of 5052 H32 is approximately higher than that of 5052H34.

Hardness: The Brinell hardness of 5052 H34 is higher than that of 5052 H32.

Fatigue strength: 5052 H34 is more fatigue resistant than 5052 H32.

Mechanical Properties 5052 H32 5052 H34
Tensile Strength(MPa) 230 260
Yield Strength(MPa) 180 200
Fatigue Strength(MPa) 120 130
Elongation% 12 10
Brinell Hardness 60 68


  • Formability and processability

Formability: 5052 H32 aluminum plate has better formability and is suitable for applications that require bending and forming. 5052 H34 aluminum plate has slightly poor formability due to its higher hardness and strength, but it still has good formability.

Processability: 5052 H32 aluminum plate has good processability and is suitable for applications requiring higher formability. 5052 H34 aluminum plate may present some challenges during certain processing due to its higher hardness.

  • Application areas

5052 H32 aluminum sheet is commonly used in applications that require good formability and ease of processing, such as building panels, automotive parts, and general sheet metal processing.

5052 H34 aluminum plate is commonly used in applications requiring higher strength and environmental resistance, such as marine components, ship construction and other environments requiring higher strength.


Tags:5052 aluminum plate ,5052 aluminum sheet

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